Opening Hours
Enhanced Access
Enhanced access appointments are for pre-bookable non-urgent appointments. Examples of these include chronic illness, asthma checks and medicines reviews.
The service is being delivered by South Lincoln Healthcare Federation of GP practices in the area. If a patient wishes to attend an enhanced access appointment, they may need to travel to another local GP practice and may not necessarily see their own GP.
In our locality, appointments are available between 6.30pm and 8pm Monday to Friday and on Saturday and Sunday mornings. There are also a number of additional appointments being made available during core hours (8.00am to 6.30pm Monday – Friday)
Try the NHS App
If you’re a patient at our practice, you can use the NHS App to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.
It does not replace existing services. You can still contact us in the usual ways.
But, once you have verified your identity in the app, you will have easy, 24/7 access to a growing range of health services and information. You can:
- order repeat prescriptions
- access NHS 111 online
- find NHS services
- view your health records
- book appointments
- and much more…
If you have any problems using the NHS App, you can select ‘help’ in the top right-hand corner of the app or visit
Click here for more information about the NHS App
Friends and Family
The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is an important feedback tool that supports the fundamental principle that people who use NHS services should have the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience. Listening to the views of patients and staff helps identify what is working well, what can be improved and how.
In July 2024, we received 80 responses. 95% said that the service received had been good or very good.
In June 2024, we received 72 responses. 91% said that the service received had been good or very good.
In May 2024, we received 39 responses. 92% said that the service received had been good or very good.
In April 2024, we received 77 responses. 91% said that the service received had been good or very good.
In March 2024, we received 217 responses. 93% said that the service received had been good or very good.
In February 2024, we received 122 responses. 93% said that the service received had been good or very good.