GP Partners
Dr Peter S Bridgwood
MB ChB - Qualified at Leicester in 1989
Dr Michelle Hargreaves
MB BS. MRCGP - Qualified at Newcastle in 1996
Dr Lisa Terrill
MB BS - Qualified at University of London 1991
Salaried GP
Dr Uche Mbachu
The doctors will always try to cover each others holiday and study leave but occasionally this is not possible and the surgery may employ a qualified locum doctor to cover periods of absence.
Claire Smith - Advanced Nurse Practitioner, BSc in Contraception, MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice
Claire can do everything a GP can do from diagnostics, investigations and treatment including prescribing and referring. She specialises in minor ailments and women’s health including contraception. She is also a contraception implant fitter.
Anne Hawkins - Advance Nurse Practitioner
Katheryn Palmer - Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Debbie Warr - RGN, Dip in Asthma
Debbie’s specialist areas are chronic disease management, respiratory (asthma and COPD) immunisations & vaccinations and cancer care reviews.
Laura Hood - RGN, BSc
Laura’s specialist areas are chronic disease management, diabetes and respiratory (asthma and COPD) immunisations & vaccinations and infection control.
Joanne Stothard - Health Care Assistant
Joanne’s specialist areas are Health promotion; dressings; phlebotomy; blood pressures; ECGs; Ear care; teledermatology; diabetic foot checks; chaperone; NHS Healthchecks; removal of sutures/clips etc; D-Dimers; skin scrapings; nail clippings; ambulatory BPs; weight management and assisting minor surgeries.
Yvonne Gossop - Health Care Assistant
Yvonne’s specialist areas are Health promotion; phlebotomy; blood pressures; ECGs; teledermatology; diabetic foot checks; chaperone; NHS Healthchecks; D-Dimers; weight management and assisting minor surgeries.
Juliet Brewer
Practice Manager
Lysette & Yvonne
Practice Secretaries
We work closely with District Nurses, Community midwives, Health Visitor and other health care workers.
As part of South Lincoln Healthcare we have the Living Well Team which consists of Occupational Therapists, Clinical Pharmacists, Health & Wellbeing Coach, Admissions & Discharge Co-ordinator and First Contact Physios.
It may be that a GP, ACP, Practice Nurse or Health Care Assistant is not the most appropriate person for you to see to ensure you receive treatment and advice as soon as possible. Bassingham Surgery is in a Primary Care Network - South Lincoln Healthcare, we work together with other local GP surgeries and share clinical staff who have specialist skills, some of which offer self-referral. The staff that work within our Surgery and are accessible via the Surgery are:
Clinical Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians
The team works remotely and so will contact you by telephone. Clinical pharmacists are mainly responsible for checking medications on discharge from hospital, doing medication reviews and changing medications as requested by hospital doctors. They also may contact you to offer additional medications such as statins. Pharmacy technicians support the work of the clinical pharmacists.
Musculoskeletal Specialist
Kirsty Langdon is a qualified physiotherapist and specialises in adult musculoskeletal problems. Her focus is mainly on diagnostics, and she can arrange investigations and referrals for these conditions. She is not a prescriber but can request for a prescriber to arrange pain medication if required. She can do steroid injections and offers injections for joints and tendons.
She has a morning and afternoon clinic on Tuesdays at Bassingham Surgery.
Mental Health Practitioner
Rachel Ransby is a qualified Occupational Therapist who specialises in adult mental health and supports patients within the community who are not under hospital services for their mental health. She provides wellbeing-focused support for mild-moderate mental health problems and coordinates care plans for adults with severe mental health problems. She is not a prescriber or a therapist.
She has a clinic alternative Friday afternoons, these appointments are only available via a GP/ANP referral.
The Living Well Team:
The Living Well Team provide prevention and early interventions to support people living with a range of health problems and chronic conditions, so they can participate in everyday life and improve their health and wellbeing.
The team includes Occupational Therapists, Care Coordinators and Health and Wellbeing Coaches.
Occupational Therapists are skilled in assessing the components of everyday occupations and roles that matter to people, identifying the impact of developmental, physical and mental health conditions on these occupations and devising intervention plans to enable people to overcome areas of dysfunction and engage fully in their day-to-day lives.
Care Coordinators can help people coordinate and navigate their care across multiple agencies. They work as a bridge between different agencies ensuring patients receive appropriate follow up care after discharge from hospital, having 'What matters to me' conversations and supporting people to engage with the relevant healthcare agencies.
Health and Wellbeing Coaches empower people to make informed decisions and conscious choices about their healthcare, get clarity about their self-management, become more confident, be proactive, take ownership of their life, focus on what matters to them and find solutions on how they can better manage their conditions.
The team will also work in partnership with other health and social care professionals to respond to crises in the home, keep people as safe as possible, enhancing independence and preventing unnecessary hospital admissions.
Social Prescribers Service
Social Prescribing Link Workers can connect people to a wide range of non-medical support within the community, such as:
- Social groups, friendship / emotional support
- Support for families, carers and other relationships
- Housing, benefits, financial and other advice
- Ways to look after our health or become more active
- Opportunities to build confidence, learn new skills or reduce anxiety
- Arts, music or other creative activities
- Getting out and about
Self-Referral options are available for many areas of health & wellbeing, please see below a couple of useful links:
Free Health & Wellbeing Programmes, including; weight loss, stop smoking, reducing drinking, diet; Home | One You Lincolnshire
For anxiety and depression and many other therapies; Home :: steps2change Lincolnshire (
Produced by Bassingham Surgery PPG October 2024